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PIV - 230 DS  PIV - 400 DS  PIV - 500 DS  PIV - 720 DS  PIVT - 120'Lightning arrester class I. 80kA (8/20) PIVT - 230 PIVT - 400 PIVT - 500 PIVT - 720 PIVT - 120 DS 2Lightning arrester class I. 80kA (8/20)+dist. sig. PIVT - 230 DS  PIVT - 400 DS  PIVT - 500 DS  PIVT - 720 DS B80'Gas discharge tube 80kA (10/350) (N/PE)B100(Gas discharge tube 100kA (10/350) (N/PE)'Compact Lightning arrester class I.+II. SPC 1 - 60 (157 DS) SPC 1 - 90 (157 DS)<1 pole lightning arrester for TNS 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350) SPC 1 - 120 (157 DS) SPC 1 - 150 (157 DS)=1 pole lightning arrester for TNS 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)SPC 1 - 60 DS F1 pole lightning arrester for TNS 60kA (8/20), 8kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 1 - 90 DS G1 pole lightning arrester for TNS 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 1 - 120 DS H1 pole lightning arrester for TNS 120kA (8/20), 16kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 1 - 150 DS H1 pole lightning arrester for TNS 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)+dist. sig. SPC 1.1 - 60 (157 DS);1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 60kA (8/20), 8kA (10/350) SPC 1.1 - 90 (157 DS)<1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350) SPC 1.1 - 120 (157 DS)=1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 120kA (8/20), 16kA (10/350) SPC 1.1 - 150 (157 DS)=1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)SPC 1.1 - 60 DSF1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 60kA (8/20), 8kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 1.1 - 90 DS G1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 1.1 - 120 DSH1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 120kA (8/20), 16kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 1.1 - 150 DSH1 pole lightning arrester for TNC 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 1.0 - 60 DS D1 pole lightning arrester for TNS L/N 60kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350)SPC 1.0 - 90 DSD1 pole lightning arrester for TNS L/N 90kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350)SPC 1.0 - 120 DSF1 pole lightning arrester for TNS L/N 120kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350)SPC 1.0 - 150 DSF1 pole lightning arrester for TNS L/N 150kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350) SPC 1.0 - 60 (157 DS)  SPC 1.0 - 90 (157 DS) SPC 1.0 - 120 (157 DS) SPC 1.0 - 150 (157 DS) SPC 3 - 60 (157 DS)=3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 60kA (8/20), 8kA (10/350)  SPC 3 - 90 (157 DS)=3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350) SPC 3 - 120 (157 DS)>3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 120kA (8/20), 16kA (10/350) SPC 3 - 150 (157 DS)>3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)SPC 3 - 60 DS G3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 60kA (8/20), 8kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 3 - 90 DS H3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 3 - 120 DS I3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 120kA (8/20), 16kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 3 - 150 DS I3 poles lightning arrester for TNS 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)+dist. sig. SPC 3.1 - 60 (157 DS)<3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 60kA (8/20), 8kA (10/350) SPC 3.1 - 90 (157 DS)=3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350) SPC 3.1 - 120 (157 DS)>3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 120kA (8/20), 16kA (10/350) SPC 3.1 - 150 (157 DS)>3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)SPC 3.1 - 60 DSG3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 60kA (8/20), 8kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 3.1 - 90 DS H3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 90kA (8/20), 12kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 3.1 - 120 DSI3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 120kA (8/20), 16kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 3.1 - 150 DSI3 poles lightning arrester for TNC 150kA (8/20), 20kA (10/350)+dist. sig.SPC 3.0 - 60 DSF3 poles lightning arrester for TNS L/N 60kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350)SPC 3.0 - 90 DSF3 poles lightning arrester for TNS L/N 90kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350)SPC 3.0 - 120 DSG3 poles lightning arrester for TNS L/N 120kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350)SPC 3.0 - 150 DSG3 poles lightning arrester for TNS L/N 150kA (8/20) N/PE 80kA (10/350) SPC 3.0 - 60 (157 DS) SPC 3.0 - 90 (157 DS) SPC 3.0 - 120 (157 DS) SPC 3.0 - 150 (157 DS) SPC PV 200 (157 DS)4Lightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 200VSPC PV 200 DS LLightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 200V, with remote monitoring SPC PV 400 (157 DS)4Lightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 400VSPC PV 400 DS LLightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 400V, with remote monitoring SPC PV 600 (157 DS)4Lightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 600VSPC PV 600 DS LLightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 600V, with remote monitoring SPC PV 800 (157 DS)4Lightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 800VSPC PV 800 DS LLightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 800V, with remote monitoring SPC PV 1000 (157 DS)5Lightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 1000VSPC PV 1000 DS MLightning Arrester for PV 120kA, DC max.voltage 1000V, with remote monitoringSurge arresters class II. PIII - 60 (157 DS)Surge arrester 15kA (8/20) PIII - 120 (157 DS) PIII - 230 (157 DS)Surge arrester 20kA (8/20) PIII - 230 GT (157 DS) PIII - 280 (157 DS) PIII - 400 (157 DS) PIII - 500 (157 DS) PIII - 720 (157 DS) PIII - 830 (157 DS) PIII - 60 DS %Surge arrester 15kA (8/20)+dist. sig. PIII - 120 DS  PIII - 230 DS %Surge arrester 20kA (8/20)+dist. sig.PIII - 230 GT DS PIII - 280 DS  PIII - 400 DS  PIII - 500 DS  PIII - 720 DS < PIIIT - 230 PIIIT - 280PIIIT - 230 DS PIIIT - 280 DS B20/C Gas discharge tube 12kA (10/350)B20M/C)Gas discharge tube 12kA (10/350), modular PIIIM - 60#Surge arrester 15kA (8/20), modular PIIIM - 120 PIIIM - 230#Surge arrester 20kA (8/20), modular PIIIM - 280 PIIIM - 400 PIIIM - 500 PIIIM - 720 PIIIM - 60 DS .Surge arrester 15kA (8/20), modular+dist. sig.PIIIM - 120 DS PIIIM - 230 DS .Surge arrester 20kA (8/20), modular+dist. sig.PIIIM - 280 DS PIIIM - 400 DS PIIIM - 500 DS PIIIM - 720 DS  PIIIMT - 230 PIIIMT - 280PIIIMT - 230 DS PIIIMT - 280 DS PIIIM-240 modulPIIIM-280 modulPIIIMT-240 modulPIIIMT-280 modulB20M/C modul NEW - Surge protection class II. SPU 1 - 120 (157 DS) *1 pole surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 120V SPU 1 - 240 (157 DS)*1 pole surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 230V SPU 1 - 280 (157 DS) SPUT 1 - 240 (157 DS)*1 pole surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 230V SPUT 1 - 280 (157 DS) SPUM 1 - 240 (157 DS)31 pole surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 230V, modular SPUM 1 - 280 (157 DS)SPU 1 - 120 DS 51 pole surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 120V+dist. sig.SPU 1 - 240 DS 51 pole surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 230V+dist. sig.SPU 1 - 280 DS SPUT 1 - 240 DS51 pole surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 230V+dist. sig.SPUT 1 - 280 DSSPUM 1 - 240 DS>1 pole surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 230V, modular+dist. sig.SPUM 1 - 280 DS SPU 3 - 120 (157 DS)13 poles surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 3x208/120V SPU 3 - 240 (157 DS)13 poles surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 3x400/230V SPU 3 - 280 (157 DS) SPU 3 - 400 (157 DS)13 poles surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 3x680/400V SPUT 3 - 240 (157 DS) 13 poles surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 3x400/230V SPUT 3 - 280 (157 DS)  SPUM 3 - 240 (157 DS)93 pole surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 3x400/230V, modular SPUM 3 - 280 (157 DS)SPU 3 - 120 DS <3 poles surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 3x208/120V+dist. sig.SPU 3 - 240 DS <3 poles surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 3x400/230V+dist. sig.SPU 3 - 280 DS SPU 3 - 400 DS <3 poles surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 3x680/400V+dist. sig.SPUT 3 - 240 DS<3 poles surge arrester 15kA (8/20), UN 3x400/230V+dist. sig.SPUT 3 - 280 DSSPUM 3 - 240 DSD3 pole surge arrester 20kA (8/20), UN 3x400/230V, modular+dist. sig.SPUM 3 - 280 DSSPUM 3 - 385 DS SPUM PV 200 (157 DS)3Lightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 200VSPUM PV 200 DS KLightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 200V, with remote monitoring SPUM PV 400 (157 DS)3Lightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 400VSPUM PV 400 DS KLightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 400V, with remote monitoring SPUM PV 600 (157 DS)3Lightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 600VSPUM PV 600 DS KLightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 600V, with remote monitoring SPUM PV 800 (157 DS)3Lightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 800VSPUM PV 800 DS KLightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 800V, with remote monitoring SPUM PV 1000 (157 DS)4Lightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 1000VSPUM PV 1000 DS LLightning Arrester for PV 40kA, DC max.voltage 1000V, with remote monitoringPR 100Helping connection ModuleDecoupling elements PI - L 16Decoupling element 6 mH PI - L 16/15Decoupling element 15 mH PI - L 32 PI - L 32/15 PI - L 63 PI - L 63/15 PI - L 80Decoupling element 4 mH PI - L120/Surge arresters class III.- parallel protection P - 3k 230#3 poles arrester 3x400V, 8kA (8/20) P - 3k 230 DS P - 3k 400 P - 3k 400 DS P - 3k 500#3 poles arrester 3x500V, 8kA (8/20) PM - 3k 230(3 poles arrester 3x400/230 V, 8kA (8/20) PM - 3k 400'3 poles arrester 3x680/400V, 8kA (8/20) PM - 3k 500'3 poles arrester 3x870/500V, 8kA (8/20) PM - 1K230(1 poles arrester 3x400/230 V, 8kA (8/20) PM - 1K400'1 poles arrester 3x680/400V, 8kA (8/20)Pk2One phase protection for 230VPk2 DS91 pole surge arrester class III. - with high freq. filter PI - k 25 RFI%Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 25A PI - k 8#Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 8A PI - k8 DS PI - k 16$Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 16A PI - k 16 DS%Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 16A PI - k 25$Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 25A PI - k 25 DS PI - k 32$Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 32A PI - k 32 DS%Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 32A PI - k 50$Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 50A PI - k 63$Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 63A PI - k 80$Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 80A PI - k 120%Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 120A PI - k 150%Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 230V, 150A PI - k 16/400$Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 400V, 16API - k 16/400 DS93 pole surge arrester class III. - with high freq. filter PI - 3k 16+Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 3x400/230V, 16A PI - 3k 25*Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 3x400/230V, 25A PI - 3k 32+Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 3x400/230V, 32A PI - 3k 50*Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 3x400/230V, 50A PI - 3k 63*Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 3x400/230V, 63A PI - 3k 80*Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 3x400/230V, 80A PI - 3k 120+Surge arrester 8kA (8/20), 3x400/230V, 120A PI - 3k 150build-to-order PI - 3k 200*Surge arresters class III. - socket designZS - 1.1T - white)protected socket Tango, 4,5kA (8/20), 16AZS - 1.1T - dark blueZS - 1.1T - blackZS - 1.1T - bordoZS - 1.1T - greenZS - 1.2T - whiteZS - 1.2T - dark blueZS - 1.2T - blackZS - 1.2T - bordoZS - 1.1C - white+protected socket Classic, 4,5kA (8/20), 16AZS - 1.1C - creamZS - 1.1C - beigeZS - 1.1C - brownZS - 1.1C - anthracitZS - 1.2C - whiteZS - 1.2C - creamZS - 1.2C - beigeZS - 1.2C - brownZS - 1.2C - anthracitZS - 1.1H - white'protected socket Hit, 4,5kA (8/20), 16AZS - 1.1H - blackZS - 1.1H - beigeZS - 1.1H - brownZS - 1.1H - greyZS - 1.2H - whiteZS - 1.2H - blackZS - 1.2H - beigeZS - 1.2H - brownZS - 1.2H - greyZS - 1.1B - white)protected socket Bingo, 4,5kA (8/20), 16AZS - 1.1B - blackZS - 1.1B - beigeZS - 1.1B - brownZS - 1.1B - greyZS - 1.2B - whiteZS - 1.2B - blackZS - 1.2B - beigeZS - 1.2B - brownZS - 1.2B - greyP - p 16!protected socket, 8kA (8/20), 16API - p 47protected socket with high freq. filter, 8kA (8/20), 6A PI - p 167protected socket with high freq. filter, 8kA (8/20),16AH - FAX2Combined protection of suply and telephone networkMUNOS 4*Fourfold protected socket, 8kA (8/20), 10AMUNOS 8+Eightfold protected socket, 8kA (8/20), 10A MUNOS 4/F1Fourfold protected socket + HF filter, 8kA (8/20) MUNOS 8/F2Eightfold protected socket + HF filter, 8kA (8/20) PSKP - 16919"box, fivefold protected socket + HF filter< , 8kA (8/20) PSKU - k16919"box, eightfold protected socket + HF filter, 8kA(8/20)PSKU 19"box, eightfold socketHTV - 42 poles, fourfold socketHTV - 21 2x 2 poles and 1x 3 poles socket ZS - 1 DSM+Additional paralell protection for TNS 230V ZS - 230 IT*Additional paralell protection for IT 230VZS - 1 %protection for TNS without indicationZS - 1B4protection for TNS with indic. for distribution railZS - 1I3protection for TNS with indication, green LED-diodeZS - 1P5protection for TNS with indication, sound piezosiren ZS - 1ORG3protection TNS with indication, to the floor cloth Data protectionDTHData protection 0,1A 3 pairs DTNVH/0,5!Data protection for 0,5A 3 pairsDTNVH/5Data protection for 5A 3 pairs DT 1/6 - L 1 pair 6V DT 1/12 - L 1 pair 12V DT 1/24 - L 1 pair 24V DT 1/48 - L 1 pair 48V DT 2/6 - L2 paires for interface RS 422 DT 2/12 - L 2 paires 12V DT 2/24 - L 2 paires 24V DT 2/48 - L 2 paires 48V DT 3/6 - L 3 paires 6V DT 3/12 - L 3 paires 12V DT 3/24 - L 3 paires 24V DT 3/48 - L 3 paires 48V DT 4/6 - L4 paires for interface RS 422 DT 4/12 - L 4 paires 12V DT 4/24 - L 4 paires24V DT 4/48 - L 4 paires 48VDT 1/6 DT 1/12 DT 1/24 DT 1/48 DT 2/6 DT 2/12 DT 2/24 DT 2/48 DT 3/6 DT 3/12 DT 3/24 DT 3/48 DT 4/6 DT 4/12 DT 4/24 4 paires 24V DT 4/48 DTR 1/6DTR 1/6/1500-L1 pair 6V, 1500 WDTR 1/12 1 pair 12V (RS 485) - to 1Mbit/sDTR 1/24DTR 1/30/1500-L1 pair 30V, 1500 WDTR 1/48DTR 1/48/1500-L1 pair 48V, 1500 WDTR 2/62 paires 6V (RS 422)DTR 2/6/1500-L2 pair 6V, 1500 WDTR 2/12 2 paires 12V (RS 485) to 1Mbit/sDTR 2/24DTR 2/48DTR 2/48/1500-L2 pair 48V, 1500 W DTR 2/A-L2 paires 48V, 2 Mbit/sec DTR 2/24 - L DTR 1/110 1 pair 110V DTR 1/90 G1 pair 90V B>;L:> @07@O4=8: GDT DTR 2/90 G2 pair 90V B>;L:> @07@O4=8: GDT DTR 1/230 G 1 pair 230V B>;L:> @07@O4=8: GDT DTR 1/230 G-L DTR 2/230 G 2 pair 230V B>;L:> @07@O4=8: GDT DTNVR 1/6/0,5 DTNVR 1/12/5DTNVR 1/12/0,5DTNVR 1/12/0,5-LDTNVR 1/12/0,5/1500-L1 pair 12V, 1500 WDTNVR 1/24/0,5-LDTNVR 1/24/0,5ADTNVR 1/24/0,5/15001 pair 24V, 1500 WDTNVR 1/24/0,5/1500-L DTVNR 1/24/5ADTNVR 1/30/0,5A 1 pair 30VDTNVR 1/30/0,5/1500-L DTNVR 1/30/5ADTNVR 1/48/0,5A DTNVR 1/48/5ADTNVR 1/48/0,5-LDTNVR 1/48/0,5/1500-LDTNVR 1/80/0,5-L 1 pair 80VDTNVR 2/12/0,5DTNVR 2/12/0,5-L DTNVR 2/6/0,5 2 paires 6VDTNVR 2/24/0,5A DTNVR 2/12/5A DTNVR 2/24/5ADTNVR 2/30/0,5A 2 paires 30VDTNVR 2/30/0,5 - L DTNVR 2/30/5ADTNVR 1/230/5A1 paires 230V DC, ACDTNVR 2/230/5ADTNVR 2/48/0,5A DTNVR 2/48/5A DTNVR 1/30/SUDTNVR 1/80/0,5 1 paires 80VDTNVR 1/80/0,5 - LDTNVR 2/80/0,5 2 paires 80V DTNVR 1/80/5 DTNVR 1/110/5 1 paires 110VDTNVR 1/115/0,5#0=0;>3 WEIDMULLERA =0 DKU 115 Vdc DTNVR 2/115/0,5DTNVR 1/110/0,5DTNVR 1/110/0,5-L DTR 1/6/M DTR 1/6/M-LDTR 1/6/M modul DTR 1/6/M-L modul DTNVR 1/6/1,5/MDTNVR 1/6/1,5/M-LDTNVR 1/6/1,5/M modul DTNVR 1/6/1,5/M-L modul DTB 1/6 - L DTB 1/12 - L DTB 1/24 - L DTB 1/48 - L 1 pair48V DTB 2/6 - L DTB 2/12 - L DTB 2/24 - L DTB 2/48 - L DTB 3/6 - L DTB 3/12 - L DTB 3/24 - L DTB 3/48 - L DTB 4/6 - L DTB 4/12 - L DTB 4/24 - L DTB 4/48 - L DTB 1/6 DTB 1/12 DTB 1/24 DTB 1/48 DTB 2/6 DTB 2/12 DTB 2/24 DTB 2/48 DTB 3/6 DTB 3/12 DTB 3/24 DTB 3/48 DTB 4/6 DTB 4/12 DTB 4/24 DTB 4/48 DTB 1/6 R DTB 1/12 R DTB 1/24 R DTB 1/48 R DTB 2/6 R DTB 2/12 R DTB 2/24 R DTB 2/48 R DTB 3/6 R 1 paires 48V DTB 3/12 R DTB 3/24 R DTB 3/48 R DTB 4/6 R DTB 4/12 R DTB 4/24 R DTB 4/48 R DTB 1/T - L1 pair DTB 2/T - L2 paires DTB 3/T - L3 paires DTB 4/T - L4 paires DTB 1/T DTB 2/T DTB 3/T DTB 4/T DTB 1/AR1 pair ADSL (120 V) RJ 45 DTB 1/ART1 pair ADSL (170 V)DTB 2/A2 pair ADSL (120 V)DTB 1/VR1 pair VDSL (120 V)DTB 2/VR2 pair VDSL (120 V)DTB 1/TRDTB 2/TRDTB 3/TRDTB 4/TR DT 1/T - L DT 2/T - L DT 3/T - L DT 4/T - LDT 1/T DT 2/T DT 3/T DT 4/T DTR 1/TDTR 2/TH 10/TH 20/TH 10/6H 10/12H 10/24H 10/48H 20/6H 20/12H 20/24H 20/48 DTB 2/232 - L2 paires for interface RS 232 DTB 3/232 - L3 paires for interface RS 232 DTB 4/232 - L4 paires for interface RS 232 DTB 2/232 DTB 3/232 DTB 4/232 DTB 2/232 R - LDTB 3/232 R - LDTB 4/232 R - L DTB 2/232 R DTB 3/232 R DTB 4/232 R DT 1/232 - L1 pair for interface RS 232 DT 2/232 - L DT 4/232 - L DT 2/232 DT 4/232 DTB 2/6DTB 4/6 DTB 2/6 R - L DTB 4/6 R - L DTB 485 - L1 pair for interface RS 485 DTB 2/485 - L2 paires for interface RS 485 DTB 485 DTB 2/485 DTB 485 R - LDTB 2/485 R - L DTB 485 R DTB 2/485 R DT 485 - LDT 485 DT 2/4852 pair for interface RS 485 DTNV 1/6/0,5Voltage rating 6V, 0,5A DTNV 1/12/0,5Voltage rating 12V, 0,5A DTNV 1/12/5Voltage rating 12V, 5A DTNV 1/24/0,5Voltage rating 24V, 0,5A DTNV 1/24/5Voltage rating 24V, 5A DTNV 1/48/0,5Voltage rating 48V, 0,5A DTNV 1/48/5Voltage rating 48V, 5A DTNV 1/80/5Voltage rating 80V, 5A DTNV 1/110/5Voltage rating 110V, 5A DTNV 2/6/0,5 DTNV 2/12/0,5 DTNV 2/12/5 DTNV 2/24/0,5 DTNV 2/24/5 DTNV 2/48/0,5 DTNV 2/48/5 DTNV 2/80/5 DTNV 2/110/5 DTNV 3/6/0,5 DTNV 3/12/0,5 DTNV 3/12/5 DTNV 3/24/0,5 DTNV 3/24/5 DTNV 3/48/0,5 DTNV 3/48/5 DTNV 3/80/5 DTNV 3/110/5 DTNV 4/6/0,5 DTNV 4/12/0,5 DTNV 4/12/5 DTNV 4/24/0,5 DTNV 4/24/5 DTNV 4/48/0,5 DTNV 4/48/5 DTNV 4/80/5 DTNV 4/110/5DTNV 1/6/0,5 - LDTNV 1/12/0,5 - LDTNV 1/24/0,5 - LDTNV 1/48/0,5 - LDTNV 2/6/0,5 - LDTNV 2/12/0,5 - LDTNV 2/24/0,5 - LDTNV 2/48/0,5 - LDTNV 3/6/0,5 - LDTNV 3/12/0,5 - LDTNV 3/24/0,5 - LDTNV 3/48/0,5 - LDTNV 4/6/0,5 - LDTNV 4/12/0,5 - LDTNV 4/24/0,5 - LDTNV 4/48/0,5 - L DTNVB 1/6/0,5DTNVB 1/12/0,5 DTNVB 1/12/5DTNVB 1/24/0,5DTNVB 1/30/0,5Voltage rating 30V, 0,5A DTNVB 1/24/5DTNVB 1/48/0,5 DTNVB 1/48/5 DTNVB 1/80/5 DTNVB 1/110/5 DTNVB 2/6/0,5DTNVB 2/12/0,5 DTNVB 2/12/5DTNVB 2/24/0,5 DTNVB 2/24/5DTNVB 2/48/0,5 DTNVB 2/48/5 DTNVB 2/80/5 DTNVB 2/110/5 DTNVB 3/6/0,5DTNVB 3/12/0,5 DTNVB 3/12/5DTNVB 3/24/0,5 DTNVB 3/24/5DTNVB 3/48/0,5 DTNVB 3/48/5 DTNVB 3/80/5 DTNVB 4/6/0,5DTNVB 4/12/0,5 DTNVB 4/12/5DTNVB 4/24/0,5 DTNVB 4/24/5DTNVB 4/48/0,5 DTNVB 4/48/5 DTNVB 4/80/5DTNVB 1/6/0,5 - LDTNVB 1/12/0,5 - LDTNVB 1/24/0,5 - LDTNVB 1/30/0,5 - LDTNVB 1/48/0,5 - LDTNVB 2/6/0,5 - LDTNVB 2/12/0,5 - LDTNVB 2/24/0,5 - LDTNVB 2/48/0,5 - LDTNVB 3/6/0,5 - LDTNVB 3/12/0,5 - LDTNVB 3/24/0,5 - LDTNVB 3/30/0,5 - LDTNVB 3/48/0,5 - LDTNVB 4/6/0,5 - LDTNVB 4/12/0,5 -LDTNVB 4/24/0,5 - LDTNVB 4/30/0,5 - LDTNVB 4/48/0,5 - LDTB 2/100M - 5catModule for PC systems for 5.catDTB 1/100M - 5catDTB 4/100M - 5catHAKELNET 4/250M - 6catModule for PC systems for 6.catHAKELNET 1.2RJ/RJPSK 10 Metal boxPSK 2/100M - 5cat+Module for 2 paires, input and output RJ 45PSK 4/100M - 5cat+Module for 4 paires, input and output RJ 45PSK 24HAKELNET 8.4 RJ/RJ-Module for 8 stations, input and output RJ 45HAKELNET 8.4 LSA/RJ1Module for 8 stations, input LSA and output RJ 45HAKELTEL 8.1 RJ/RJHAKELTEL 8.2 RJ/RJHAKELTEL 8.1 LSA/RJ6Module for 8 stations, input LSA-plus and output RJ 45HAKELTEL 8.2 LSA/RJVideo signals surge protectionH 30 - L$1x video channel Luxus, 6,5kA (8/20)H 30 %1x video channel Standard, 5kA (8/20)H 40 - L$4x video channel Luxus, 6,5kA (8/20)<DH 40 %4x video channel Standard, 5kA (8/20)New coaxial protectionKO - 1Pfor BNC connectorKO - 2PKO - 9Pfor F connectorKO - 10P TV connectorKO - 3GN (F/F)for N connectorKO - 3GN (F/M)KO - 4GN (F/F)KO - 4GN (F/M)KO - 5GN (F/F)C  N F/F, 5-5.4 GHz, < 0.2 dB, 50 , 200 W, Uc = 0 V, 20 kA (8/20)."/KO - 5GN (F/M)C  N F/M, 5-5.4 GHz, < 0.2 dB, 50 , 200 W, Uc = 0 V, 20 kA (8/20)."/KO-1GKO-2GKO-9GKO-10GKO-11Gfor UHF connectorKO-12GKO - 7/16 (F/F)7/16 connector (F/F)KO - 7/16 (F/M)7/16 connector (F/M)KO - 7/16R (F/M)Equipotential bondingHGS 100Isolating Spark Gap HGS 100 ExEx Isolating Spark Gap Components7 Bipolar Gas Discharge Tubes up to 100kA (10/350)00 105HG20/ Gas Discharge Tube 20kA (10/350) A :>=B0:B0<8#0 Gas Discharge Tube 20kA (10/350) 157 :>=B0:B>2#00 106HG80 Gas Discharge Tube 80kA (10/350)00 107HG100!Gas Discharge Tube 100kA (10/350)HIS TESTER - H1)Tester for arresters class I, II and III. TESTER - H2Tester for arresters class III. Adaptr H2.10$recommended accessories to TESTER H2Insulation level drop detectorsHIS 71:Ground fault protection equipments AC IT system (10-210kW)HIS 727Ground fault protection equipments AC IT system (1-9kW)HIS 739Ground fault protection equipments AC IT system (10-50kW)HIS 74:Ground fault protection equipments AC IT system (50-230kW)HIS 758Ground fault protection equipments AC IT system (1-20kW)HIS 77:Ground fault protection equipments DC IT system (50-230kW) HIS 24 VDC/N3Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 24V 10%)%$( HIS 48 VDC/N3Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 48V 10%)%$( HIS 60 VDC/N3Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 60V 10%)%$( HIS 110 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 110V 10%)%$( HIS 160 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 160V 10%)%$( HIS 220 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 220V 10%)%$( HIS 250 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 250V 10%)%$( HIS 400 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 400V 10%)%$( HIS 500 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 500V 10%)%$( HIS 570 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 570V 10%)%$( HIS 600 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 600V 10%)%$( HIS 680 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 680V 10%)%$( HIS 700 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 700V 10%)%$( HIS 800 VDC/N4Ground fault protection equipments (UITN 800V 10%)%$(HIS 500)Ins. level drop detector AC IT system 1kW HIS 500/3,5+Ins. level drop detector AC IT system 3,5kW HIS 500/7,5+Ins. level drop detector AC IT system 7,5kW HIS 500/22*Ins. level drop detector AC IT system 22kW HIS 500/50*Ins. level drop detector AC IT system 50kW HIS 500/80*Ins. level drop detector AC IT system 80kW HIS 500/300+Ins. level drop detector AC IT system 300kWMDS 10Remote signalization moduleMDS4 DIN'Remote signalization module on DIN rail ZJ - 24/DCPower supply for 24VHIS 4009 Hlda  izola nho stavu AC IT soustav (6-1200 kW), RS 485/%0 HIS 400W1008 Hlda  izola nho stavu AC IT soustav, 5-100 kW, 4-20 mA.%/ HIS 400W5008 Hlda  izola nho stavu AC IT soustav, 5-500 kW, 4-20 mA.%/ HIS 400W10009 Hlda  izola nho stavu AC IT soustav, 5-1000 kW, 4-20 mA/%0 HIS 400CL7 Hlda  izola nho stavu AC IT soustav, 5-60 kW, 4-20 mA-%. 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